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Early Learning Centres at St Andrews and Minto! 

Kids College Long Day Care & Preschool

Preschool vs Long Day Care

Many families often wonder what the differences are between a preschool program offered in a community preschool setting and one provided in a long day care environment.  Below we have summarised our views to help you make the right decision for your child. 


  • Governed by the National Quality Framework 

  • Implements the Early years learning framework 

  • Assessed & rated under the National Quality Standards 

  • Open during School Hours (eg 9 - 3) 

  • Closed during school holidays 

  • Government funded services, no Child Care Subsidy 

  • Fees are generally lower due to no inclusions (eg meals not provided)  & shorter hours

Long Day Care

  • Governed by the National Quality Framework 

  • Implements the Early Years learning framework 

  • Assessed & rated under the National Quality Standards 

  • Extended Hours Preschool, eg 11 hours per day

  • Child Care Subsidy and Start Strong funding
    for eligible families

  • Fees are generally higher (prior to CCS) due to inclusions 
    (eg meals, incursions, excursions, extended hours etc)

More quality education leads to a love of learning.
Look at the difference in the number of hours provided in the following settings:


  • 3 Day program per week 

  • 6 hours per day 

  • 41 weeks per year 

  • 738 hours preschool program prior to starting school

Long Day Care

  • 3 Day program per week 

  • 8 - 11 hours per day 

  • 51 weeks per year 

  • 1224 - 1683 hours preschool program prior to starting school

You get almost twice as much quality education in long day care!

In every service, educators use their expertise, understanding of each child, and the approved learning frameworks to create tailored programs. They also consider the National Quality Standard and relevant laws and regulations. By keeping in mind the needs of the children, their families, and the community, educators make thoughtful decisions to meet these standards. 


In Kids College we also have a school preparation program to assist your child to transition from long daycare to school.

Ask us how we help preschoolers with this big step. 

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